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Get A Grip - The Feature Movie

Love Sometimes Means Letting Go

Get a Grip tells the story of TRAVIS SWANSON and his three friends who retreat regularly to Central Park. Travis is a quad-skater, illustrator, New Yorker. His life spirals out of control due to alcohol and prescription drugs.


He later finds HOPE roller-skating in the park. She quickly becomes his salvation, leading him to get a grip on his life. However, love sometimes means letting go of the people presently surrounding him.

Its TRAINSPOTTING meets GOOD WILL HUNTING smoothed over with a super strong multi-cultural finish. The film employs old-school quad skating and Capoeira (brazilian martial art).




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'I, too, have a dream' that through the medium of film that we can heal our diversity issues. The purpose of the feature length film is not only to entertain but also to raise cultural awareness. Through our diverse cast and varied story lines, we address issues of racism, nationalism, and sexuality.

It attempts to expose the idea that we are spirits having a human experience. Underneath it all, we are all the same.

Love conquers all.

- Renton


Get A Grip, Copyright, 2005
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